PCL bitmapped fonts for LaserJet or compatible printers and Unix, DOS, AS/400s, or Optio,
requires a laser printer with magnetic toner
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Elfring Fonts, Inc.
4N899 W Mary Dr
St Charles, IL 60175
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MICR / E-13b PCL Bitmapped Soft Fonts
for Check Printing
Printing MICR Encoding
Do you want to print your own checks? Check printing requires a laser printer, special magnetic toner, check paper, and our PCL MICR / E13-B fonts! U.S. law (Check 21 Act) and Canadian law (CPA006) requires the bottom sequence of numbers on a check be printed in a special font called MICR or E-13B, using magnetic toner. This font includes the numbers 0 through 9 and four special characters: On-Us, Transit, Amount, and Dash.
MICR Accuracy
MICR printing must be exceedingly accurate. It can be done on any HP or compatible laser printer, provided you can purchase special magnetic toner cartridges for that printer. This package includes PCL bitmapped MICR font (E-13B) soft fonts at 600 dpi, plus instructions on how to layout and calibrate your check printing. All fonts meet ANSI X9.27-1995, ANSI X9.100-160-1-2009, and the Canadian CPA006 standards. To be certain your check meets these standards add a MICR gauge to your order.
PCL Bitmapped Soft Fonts
Do you need a way to manage your PCL soft fonts from within Windows? Our Windows PCL font downloader allows you to send your fonts to any Windows printer. A free version comes with this software. A more advanced version ($99.50) can also work invisibly from the command line.
Secure Fonts
When printing checks, you also need a way to print the amount on checks in a secure fashion. This package also includes two different Secure Number™ fonts, at 600 dpi. They let you print check amounts in dollars, pounds sterling, Euros, or yens that are very hard to alter. These PCL fonts do not include alphabetic characters for printing payee names.

MICR Gauges
To be certain your check meets these standards add a MICR gauge to your order. It only costs $39.95 and helps you verify every detail of your check.
- Includes: MICR fonts and Secure Fonts™
- Features: nine versions of MICR to calibrate your system
- Special: DOS and Windows PCL font downloading software
- Plus: complete documentation on how to layout and calibrate your checks
- Additional: two Secure Fonts™ to print payee names check amounts
- Note: MICR fonts must have a resolution of 600 dpi or better to work
- Documentation: PCL MICR font documentation in PDF format