What are Secure Fonts?
Computer printed checks have two major security issues. The first issue is can some one alter the amount on the check? The second issue is can some one alter the name of the person the check is made out to?
When you use a standard computer font to display the check amount the results are very easy to alter or forge. The same is true for the payee name. Our Secure Fonts™ were designed to alleviate these problems. They do this by making it much harder to alter the amount or name characters on your checks.

In the example above, the $23.95 amount is much more difficult to alter when displayed using our Secure Fonts™.
Using a standard computer font to display the payee name is also a problem. In the example below, the name Ted Grahm is much more difficult to alter when displayed using our Secure Fonts™.

For detailed information on our Secure Fonts see the product web page. This package includes eleven different styles of Secure Fonts™, each in both a standard form and a form with text printed below each character. These 22 Secure Fonts™ come in TrueType format, ready to use with any Windows program. These fonts let you print check amounts in dollars, pounds sterling, Euros, or the yen that are very hard to alter. They will also let you print the payee name on the check using our Secure Name™ option.